Thursday, February 5, 2009

David is my boss/adopted dad's father and he is not doing very well. Tommorrow he will be having open heart surgery so Paul has gone to St. Paul Minnesota for the surgery. I really hope that everything goes well because David is a really nice man and a wonderful Dad and Grandfather. So if everyone will pray that his surgery goes well and Paul makes it home safe we her in Oklahoma would appreciate it. On top of that this weekend is the Daddy Daughter dance. If Paul does not make it back in time Mark has stepped in to be the back up to take Grace so she doesn't miss out on all of the fun. Grace just loves Mark but we really hope that Paul gets back in time but if not Mark is ready for the dancing fun.


GO Gray's said...

Oh boy Rambo. As long as he has his wrist and headbands and a flashlight to lipsync in he'll do fine. If anything else he can just bust out a little MC Hammer!!!!

Loveable Luceros said...

How did everything go???? I hope it all went ok. Keep us posted. And I AGREE with Trisha, Mark needs to bust out the MC Hammer!!!

Rikki and Mark said...

Mark didn't have to go to the dance. Paul was able to make it home in time. His Dad had to have a triple bipass instead of just a regular bipass. He is doing well now but still in the hospital resting. Thanks for asking!